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Standing at a New Starting Point and Striving for a New Journey -- The General Party Branch of Xuzhou Museum carried out a series of "July 1" party building activities

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the CPC and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, on the morning of July 1, the General Party Branch of Xuzhou Museum organized party members and cadres to visit the new Huaihai Campaign Memorial Hall and Xuzhou Imperial edict Museum's political ethics education practice base.

    First of all, you visited the new museum of the Huaihai Campaign, which exhibited more than 2000 cultural relics and more than 1000 photos. The exhibition was divided into four parts: "The decisive battle of two future fates", "The decisive victory of the Huaihai Campaign", "The great power behind the People's War", and "The revolutionary heroes will be immortal". Through cultural relics, photos, videos, on-site interactive experience and other means, the exhibition shows the great spirit of "listening to the Party's command, relying on the people, unity and cooperation, and decisive victory" contained in the Huaihai Campaign. During the visit to the Inheritance Hall, Li Xiaojun, the former secretary of the General Party Branch under the bright party flag, led all the party members to take a solemn oath and review the oath of joining the Party. Through the visit and study, the party members and cadres deeply understood the revolutionary spirit of the Huaihai Campaign, and effectively strengthened the "four consciousness", strengthened the "four self-confidence", and achieved the "two maintenance".

       Later, we visited the practice base of political ethics education in the Sacred Purpose Museum. The Sacred Purpose Museum combines the cultural relics in its collection with the theme of "political ethics". Through on-site teaching and professional teaching, it carries forward the excellent tradition of "the virtue of politics" in China, so that the majority of Party members and cadres can establish lofty ideals, inherit the fine character of ruling for the people, and abide by morality and discipline. Through the visit and study, party members and cadres have learned profound moral nourishment and strength from history and culture, deeply understood the responsibility and responsibility of the centennial party, and rooted the firm belief of patriotism and love for the people in their hearts.

      This activity is the first collective activity carried out after the establishment of the General Party Branch of Xuzhou Museum, and it is also one of the "July 1" party building activities. It is of great significance to comprehensively strengthen party building, strengthen party spirit cultivation, and enhance the vitality of party building. (Writer: Wu Yunpeng Reviewed by: Li Xiaojun Editor: Liu Yang)