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Explore the historical context of regional civilization inheritance

The meeting was chaired by Li Xiaojun, curator and secretary of the branch of Xuzhou Museum, and attended by members of the branch committee, team members and relevant departments and offices.

      Subsequently, curator Li Xiaojun conveyed and studied three articles, namely, "Outline the Civilization Landscape Five Thousand Years ago - A Survey of the Achievements of the" Chinese Civilization Exploration Project "by Wang Wei, director of the History Department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences," the "Chinese Civilization Exploration Project" and its main harvest ", and Sun Qingwei, vice president of Peking University," Five Dimensions of the Study of the Origin of Chinese Civilization in the New Era ". Li Xiaojun, curator, said that the three articles fully interpreted the background, methods, process and major research achievements of China's implementation of the "Chinese Civilization Exploration Project" in the past two decades, made a phased summary for the "Chinese Civilization Exploration Project", and pointed out the direction for doing a good job in the next step of Chinese civilization research.

       Everyone said that in the next step, we should organically integrate the "Chinese civilization source exploration project" with our own work, deeply excavate the historical resources of Xuzhou's early history, regional culture and Han culture, lay a solid foundation for work, pay attention to the transformation of achievements, and give full play to the important role of museums and archaeologists in "educating people with culture" and "educating people with history".

 Second, we should take exploring regional civilization as our historical mission, comprehensively strengthen archaeological work, focus on the research of Xuzhou's prehistoric civilization, Han civilization, urban civilization and other sources, and truly make Xuzhou's contribution to the construction of a pluralistic and integrated pattern of Chinese civilization. The third is to take the inheritance of historical civilization as the main line of responsibility, strengthen the propaganda and interpretation of Xuzhou's historical culture, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, guide the people's broad recognition of the Chinese civilization, and enhance the ambition, backbone and confidence of being a Chinese. (Writer: Wu Yunpeng Reviewed by: Li Xiaojun Editor: Liu Yang)