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Incentives for Scientific Research of Xuzhou Museum

Chapter I General

       Item 1 In order to fully motivate the staff to do scientific research, continuously improve the overall level of academic research of Xuzhou Museum, and promote the training of professionals, this measure is hereby formulated based on Regulations for Museums and Administrative Measures for Museums.

       Item 2 The scope of incentives for scientific research covers scientific research projects, scientific research achievements, scientific research awards, talent cultivation programs, and training targets.

       Item 3 The scientific research awards cover the enrolled staff, retired staff, contract-based personnel of Xuzhou Museum, and social members who have made outstanding contributions to museum scientific research.

       Item 4 The scientific research awards are conducted annually. The funds required are separately prepared in Xuzhou Museum's annual budget. The academic committee will supervise and review the use of funds.

Chapter II Scope and Standard of Awards

Section 1 Awards of Scientific Research Projects

       Item 5 Awards of scientific research projects are awards conducted to the research groups that obtain scientific research projects at national, provincial and municipal levels.

       National level scientific research projects are divided into social science and natural science. Social science mainly refers to all types of projects covered by the National Social Science Fund of China. Natural science mainly includes: projects of the National Key Fundamental Research and Development Plan (the "973" plan), projects of the National Hi-tech Research and Development Plan (the "863" plan), projects of the National Science and Technology Support Plan, National Technological Plan and Special Projects in Political Guidance, National Major Scientific and Technological Special Projects, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

       Provincial level scientific research projects are the scientific research projects issued by national ministries and commissions and provincial administrations as well as other recognized provincial level scientific research projects. They mainly include: scientific research projects issued by Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other relative general offices of national ministries and commissions; scientific research projects issued by provincial social science planning office and provincial department of science and technology; and scientific research projects issued by provincial department of culture and bureau of cultural relics.

       Municipal scientific research projects refer to the scientific research projects issued by municipal administrations, committees and offices. They mainly include: municipal scientific plan projects and municipal social science projects.

       After approval, the scientific research project will be awarded 10% of the project funds approved. The bonus will be all at once given after closing the project, 30% of which shall be used for spending related to the scientific research project.

       After approval, the scientific research project will be provided with supporting funds no more than 20% of the project funds approved. The supporting funds will be distributed to the staff's scientific research development funds account, as to 50% in approval and closing, respectively.

The standards of awards for horizontal scientific research projects and the museum's scientific research topics shall be comprehensively evaluated by the academic committee.

       Item 6 Identification of qualification for scientific research award. The identification is subject to the notice of approval and certification of closing project issued by the project administration, and the approved project funds shall arrive at the financial account of Xuzhou Museum.

       Item 7 Use of scientific research bonus. The bonus is applied for by the project director and distributed at his/her discretion. The bonus of project that is cancelled by the project competent department will be totally taken back. 50% bonus of the suspended project will be taken back.

Section 2 Awards for Scientific Research Achievements

       Item 8 Awards for scientific research achievements are the awards conducted to achievements including theses, academic monographs, catalogues of exhibitions and cultural relics, and reading materials of popular science.

       Item 9 Objects and standard of awards for theses.

       The award for thesis is only given to First Author. For a thesis jointly written by more than one person, First Author takes charge of distributing the award.

       Different standards of thesis awards shall be set up according to the publication levels:

       (I) For theses included by SCI, SSCI and A&HCI, and professional theses issued by Acta Archaeologica Sinica, Archaeology, and Cultural Relics; RMB 1,000 yuan is rewarded to each thesis;

       (II) For professional theses issued by Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (referred to as "CSSCI") and A Guide to the Core Journals of China, RMB 800 yuan is rewarded to each thesis;

       (III) For theses issued by journals and proceedings above provincial level, RMB 600 yuan is rewarded to each thesis;
       (IV) For theses with more than 2,500 characters that are issued by renowned newspapers like Weekly of China's Cultural Relics in museology industry, RMB 500 yuan is rewarded to each thesis;

       (V) For theses issued by other public journals and essays, RMB 300 yuan is rewarded to each thesis.

       Item 10 Identification and objects and standard of awards for academic monographs.

       Academic monographs are specific works in which the authors make systematic research and put forward independent opinions. Reports of archaeological excavation and reports of cultural relics preservation and restoration are included in academic monographs.

       The award for academic monograph is only given to First Author. For an academic monograph jointly written by more than one person, First Author takes charge of distributing the award. If the museum staff is First Author of a jointly written monograph, no less than 50,000 characters shall be written by this staff. A monograph will high academic value, after evaluation by the academic committee, will be sponsored by Xuzhou Museum for publication.

       For academic monographs published by national top 100 publishers, each will be rewarded RMB 5,000 yuan; for academic monographs published by other publishers, each will be rewarded RMB 3,000 yuan.

If Xuzhou Museum provided supporting funds in publishing the academic monograph, RMB 2,000 yuan will be rewarded.

       Item 11 Identification and objects and standard of awards for reading materials of popular science.

       Reading materials are books related to popularization of science and technology. They are important carriers of museum and historic culture, and an essential part of social education of the museum. Reading materials of popular science about exhibitions and cultural relics of Xuzhou Museum, after evaluation and review of the academic committee, will be sponsored by Xuzhou Museum for publication.

       For reading materials of popular science published by national top 100 publishers, each will be rewarded RMB 2,000 yuan; for reading materials of popular science published by other publishers, each will be rewarded RMB 1,000 yuan.

       For other reading materials of popular science, after evaluation and review by the academic committee, certain award will be given.

       Item 12 Identification and objects and standard of awards for catalogues of exhibitions and cultural relics.

       Catalogues of exhibitions and cultural relics are books that introduce exhibited contents, key exhibits, cultural relics materials and relative researches. They play an important part in spreading museum culture.

       Catalogues of exhibitions and cultural relics shall be sponsored by Xuzhou Museum for publication.

       Editing groups of catalogues of exhibitions and cultural relics shall be rewarded. The standard of awards shall be evaluated by the academic committee.

Section 3 Awards for Scientific Research Prizes

       Item 13 Awards for scientific research prizes mainly cover scientific and technological awards, awards of outstanding philosophy and social science achievements, awards of social science applied research achievements, and journal article awards at national, provincial and municipal levels, 

       Item 14 Scientific research awards, after deliberation by the academic committee of Xuzhou Museum, will be rewarded correspondingly.

Section 4 Awards for Talent Cultivation Programs

       Item 15 We establish an incentive mechanism for cultivating high-level professionals. According to national, provincial and municipal policies on talent cultivating, examination, recruitment and remuneration, we reward professionals who succeed in special areas of study and make outstanding contributions to Xuzhou Museum, in order to create a favorable academic atmosphere, where labor, knowledge, talents and creation are respected.

       Item 16 The awards cover professionals who are selected by talent cultivation programs such as innovative entrepreneurs, "333 High-Level Talent Cultivation Program", high-level talents selected by "Six Types of Top Talents", "Dual Initiative", and "Two Hundred High-Level Talents Cultivation Program".

       Item 17 The standard of award shall be comprehensively evaluated by the academic committee according to performances and contributions of talents.

Chapter III Declaration and Evaluation

       Item 18 Procedures of declaration and evaluation

       (I) For the scientific research achievements that conform to the rewarding conditions, originals thereto shall be submitted;

       (II) After review by the department of scientific research of Xuzhou Museum, the materials will be submitted to the academic committee for discussion and identification, and to the curator office for approval;

       (III) The achievements rewarded shall be in publicity for one week. If no objection is raised after the publicity period, the award will be distributed by standard. Any objection is subject to relative regulations of Xuzhou Museum, and if necessary, shall be submitted to the academic committee for deliberation.

       Item 19 In the first quarter of each year, the statistics of scientific research achievements for the previous year (by December 31 of the previous year) are produced, and the corresponding bonuses are given out.

Chapter IV Punishment

       Item 20 The scientific research achievements defined by the academic committee to be obtained by academic misconducts such as plagiarism and overlapping publications may not be awarded. The claimed awards shall be taken back, where the resolutions shall be proposed as to relative regulations of Xuzhou Museum, submitted to the curator office, and conducted after approval.

       Item 21 For personnel participating in evaluation of scientific research awards who play false and commit illegalities for personal gains, and are testified, will be cancelled of the eligibility for participation, and will be punished with circulating a notice of criticism and called to account.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

       Item 22 All the personal income awards herein are pre-tax, and the income taxes incurred therefrom shall be paid by the award winners.

       Item 23 The incentives herein are interpreted by the scientific research leading group of Xuzhou Museum.

       Item 24 The incentives come into effect from Nov. 10th, 2017. If any discrepancies occur between the incentives herein and relative regulations issued by superiors, the latter shall prevail.