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Procedures for Accession of Collections in Xuzhou Museum

       Article 1 The museum collects antiques by purchase, auction, accepting donations, exchange, allocation, transfer and other means provided by law and regulations in the following procedures:

      (I) Collection survey. The antique collection committee conducts collection surveys and seeks for collection clues according to the annual collection plan, the actual need of exhibition and scientific research. After a preliminary understanding of the collection clues, the preliminary views are formed, and the report of collection intention is submitted to the museum office research institute.

     (II) Determination of intention. As to the collections needed by this museum which are determined by discussion, the museum will apply for funds with the municipal finance bureau, when the collection department files in a written application clarifying the reason for collection, and releases on the museum's website. Then it comes to the process of identification-evaluation by the committee of experts.

     (III) Selection by experts. According to the categories of the objects to be collected, three to five experts will be hired from the corresponding identification and evaluation expert base, to make comprehensive evaluations on elements such as the authenticity, value, price, and certification of legal source. The objects under the value of RMB fifty thousand yuan will be discussed by experts in the museum who are members of the collection committee. The identification and evaluation of important, precious cultural relics above the value of RMB fifty thousand yuan will be reviewed by the joint expert group, which is made up of experts in the museum and hired experts (with one or two members of National Commission of Cultural Relics Identification).

     (IV) Identification of authenticity. By means of independent identification, the experts shall conduct the identification respectively without mutual exchange or communication. As to the adoption of identification results, the principle of "one-vote veto" shall be implemented.

     (V) Fill in opinions. After completing identification and evaluation, the experts shall fill in the identification and evaluation form of objects to be collected (see sample in appendix), where they fill in the determined names and divisions of history of the identified objects, the suggestions and reasons for collection, and make evaluations on the historical, artistic and scientific values of the objects to be collected.

     (VI) Determination of objects. The collection department or the collection committee will submit the report of objects to be collected and the identification and evaluation form to the museum office research institute for review, based on which the objects to be collected and their price ranges will be determined.

      (VII) Negotiation of prices. After approval by the person in charge of the museum, the collection department or the collection committee will designate more than three collectors as special personnel, who will negotiate with the owners on the purchasing prices and other purchasing matters on basis of discretion and thrift. In the negotiation of prices, three or more persons shall be on site, with at least one discipline supervisor.

      Article 2 After completing the collection procedure, all the materials will be submitted to the person in charge of the museum, and be implemented after approval.

      Article 3 The museum should sign an agreement of collection with the owner of object, in which the parties agree on the price, delivery method, exemption clauses, etc. of the collected object.

      Article 4 If the museum collects through auction, experts should be hired for identification and evaluation before the auction, and the transaction price may not exceed the price evaluated by the experts.

      Article 5 If the museum accepts allocation, an allocation intention of cultural relics will be reached between cultural relics collection units, and a written application of cultural relics allocation will be submitted to the provincial administration of cultural relics.

      After the approval of the provincial administration of cultural relics, the two allocation parties will sign an agreement of cultural relics allocation, fill in the list of cultural relics allocation and record of collections, and submit to the provincial administration of cultural relics for files. The first-class cultural relics shall be submitted to the administrative department of cultural relics of the State Council for files.

      Article 6 Citizens, legal persons or other organizations other than state-owned cultural relics collection units should be encouraged to donate, and the museum should provide good service for the donations.

      The museum shall timely conduct preliminary review of the donations. As to those that pass the preliminary review, the collection department or collection committee will submit to the person in charge of the museum a written report, where the details of donators and donations and opinions of preliminary review are indicated. Then, experts will be organized to make identification and evaluation of the donations, and the museum's leadership will determine whether to accept the donations.

      If the museum accepts the donation, it will issue a certificate of donation to the donator, and award the donator as required, and based on the proportion of no more than 30% of the evaluation.

      Article 7 As to the state-owned cultural relics collection unit with archives of cultural relics in museum collection, if the two parties have reached a basic intention, the parties shall apply to the provincial administration of cultural relics.

      After the approval of the provincial administration of cultural relics, and filing in the administrative department of cultural relics of the State Council, relative cultural relics in museum collection can be exchanged between cultural relics collection units.

      Article 8 The transferred cultural relics shall be accepted by the provincial administration of cultural relics; or with the authorization by the provincial administration of cultural relics, the municipal/county administration of cultural relics or relative national museum may undertake the specific accepting procedures of cultural relics.

     Article 9 The accepting department and unit shall timely organize experts to identify the transferred cultural relics. Over transfer, the two parties and the undertaking institution shall confirm the registration list of transferred cultural relics, and go through procedures including inspection, handover and signature.

     Article 10 The collected objects shall be timely turned over to the designated temporary warehouses for storage rather than kept and stored privately, and official turnover and registration procedures shall be timely handled.

     Article 11 When the collected objects are registered, the collector, general ledger and warehouse keeper shall jointly handle the turnover and registration procedures. The collector shall hand over the relative materials of collected objects and experts' opinions on identification and evaluation to the general ledger keeper.


Xuzhou Museum (Xuzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology)
                                                                                                                 Nov. 30th, 2018